ARC is a unique advanced Integrative Bodywork protocol developed over 29+ years working with 50,000+ clients, 5,000+ students, and 500+ allied health professionals.
ARC provides more benefits than Therapeutic Bodywork / Massage, Acupuncture, and Somatic Therapy by synergizing their disciplines into integrated sessions (sans needles).
ARC promotes functional neuroplastic and epigenetic adaptations to catalyze, support, and accelerate healing, recovery, and realizing one’s full health, personal, and life potential.
Relax, Reset, Renew, Thrive!
ARC helps your mind get out of your body's way so it can deeply relax, reset, and guide your choices, so it feels simply natural to optimally support your health and cultivate a profound sense of wellbeing.
"If you listen to your body when it whispers, it won't have to scream."
Neglecting our inner needs forces our body to "speak louder" to get our attention the only way it knows how: PAIN
About 83% of people in the world live in developed countries where our nervous system is overloaded by media-rich environments, dense populations, and social pressures that obscure the inner voices of our body and soul until they have to "scream" to get us to take care of them. ARC helps us turn the outer volume down and tune into them so they don't have to.
Explore ARC
Build the bridge to your Destination
ARC leverages integrative biological strategies to make it feel natural and profoundly easier to establish the habits and mindset you need to realize your personal and professional aspirations.
Create your new Story
ARC replaces internal narratives that inhibit your freedom and growth with new ones that unleash your full adaptive, creative, and regenerative powers to create the health and life you desire.
Ancient Wisdom + Modern Science
ARC refers to the luminous electrical discharge between electrodes akin to the form of acupressure therapy known as Jin Shin. ARC illuminates the mystique of Chinese Medical Theory with the light of Modern Science for a more complete and effective model of Integrative Medicine.
Systemic Body-Mind Support
Like nutrition, exercise, sleep, hydration, and meditation, ARC works on a systemic level to prevent dysfunction, degenerative conditions, injuries, and disease, while promoting balance, coordination, homeostasis, and optimal recovery and healing.
YOU are the most powerful medicine.
ARC is a full-spectrum approach to health that helps you access the natural medicine of your body and mind when supported by proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, hydration, living with meaningful purpose, fulfilling relationships and work, and professional medical care.
ARC Benefits
- relax nerves
- release fascia*
- free blood flow
- optimize ATP production
- support cellular signalling
- enable nerve conductivity
- balance hormones
- enter alpha and theta brain states
- promote neuroplasticity
- expand neural processing
- drive functional adaptations
- restore homeostasis
- catalyze healing
- improve physical and cognitive function
*Learn about Fascinating Fascia!
Mutual Therapeutic Resonance
ARC sessions relax the nerves, tissues, and entire systems of both facilitator and recipient. This mutually reinforces, amplifies, and prolongs healthy biorhythms via synchronous recipocal vibration between partners. Both bodies processes information in the tissues, neurons, and epigenome during sessions, resulting in adaptations, insights, and new awareness and perspectives.
Experiencing ARC
ARC can create experiences like:
- Epiphanies
- Serendipity
- Synesthesia
- Breakthroughs
- Deep relaxation
- Dreamlike states
- Creative inspiration
- Intense love, and bliss
- Challenging realizations
- Novel physical sensations
- Involuntary body movement
- Mystical states of consciousness
- New insights and understanding
- Self-acceptance and compassion
- Strong emotional manifestations
- Releasing destructive attachments
- Remembering meaningful memories
- Altered sense of space, time, and self
- Profound sense of peace and connection
- Feeling in harmony with yourself and others
These experiences are the result of ARC's ability to induce neuroplasticity -to reorganize neural structures and connections to adapt to psychological or physical trauma to restore and optimize physical and cognitive functions.
Below, ARC's founder describes his initial awakening experience that began his 29-year career:
By the end of my session, I felt like I was both in and all around my body.
It also felt like my body had been turned 180-degrees on the table at some point, but I didn't know when that happened. When I opened my eyes and saw I was back in my original position, rather than realizing that my body was never moved, I wondered when my provider returned my body to its original position! My sense of Space and Time had been deeply altered. When I stood on the floor again, I felt like I was floating in the heavens, yet more grounded and centered than I recalled ever feeling before.
I felt like my entire being had been struck by a thunderbolt of clarity that was as profoundly peaceful as enlivening. I was filled with an exciting sense that I had been transported into a parallel universe where infinite possibilities were now available to me, with a peculiar sense that it had been waiting for me! The following year, when I began training at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley, I learned that this novel experience of polarities is what it feels like when Yin & Yang are in balance within us. This is what it feels like to be in The Tao.
It also felt like my body had been turned 180-degrees on the table at some point, but I didn't know when that happened. When I opened my eyes and saw I was back in my original position, rather than realizing that my body was never moved, I wondered when my provider returned my body to its original position! My sense of Space and Time had been deeply altered. When I stood on the floor again, I felt like I was floating in the heavens, yet more grounded and centered than I recalled ever feeling before.
I felt like my entire being had been struck by a thunderbolt of clarity that was as profoundly peaceful as enlivening. I was filled with an exciting sense that I had been transported into a parallel universe where infinite possibilities were now available to me, with a peculiar sense that it had been waiting for me! The following year, when I began training at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley, I learned that this novel experience of polarities is what it feels like when Yin & Yang are in balance within us. This is what it feels like to be in The Tao.
- James Vaughn, Founder
Training includes:
- Illustrated instructions and Live Video Coaching.
- Education and resources to support your development.
- Exercises to advance your skill.
- Lifestyle Tips to optimize your results.
- Holistic Health Evaluation to assess your potential.
6 Requirements:
- Two people with average physical ability and passion for health.
- Complete mutual trust, and commitment to one's full potential.
- A massage table, or raised bed with room to lunge on 3 sides.
- A rolling stool.
- Internet connection.
- Laptop, Desktop, or Smart TV (ideal) with camera and mic.
Mastery is easy
Our instinct to grip and rub sore, tense muscles made Massage Therapy humanity's first form of medicine. You will learn how to turn your instinct into mastery.
Learn the fascinating history of Massage Therapy here.
Just see, feel, and do it.
You don't have to know the science to simply do it.
With our expert instruction, you'll give each other expert massage & bodywork. (You'll also learn the science and lore.)
Hands-On First
Our training begins with the best part: Experience! In just 2 HOURS of illustrated instructions, you will learn how to give and receive ARC in comfortable clothing with your Training Partner as often as you want to maximize your benefits.
Live Video Coaching
We make sure you follow protocol correctly, and answer your questions, to ensure your confidence.
Coaching sessions are recorded for quality and training purposes, and provided to support your practice.