Fascinating Fascia!
Fig 1: Fascia
Emergent discoveries in fascia research have been revealing that it influences every process in our body, making it one of the most important research fields in human health today. The bulk of this research comes from the last decade, so it's relatively new, but already revolutionizing health science!
Fascia is a continuous web of connective tissue made of collagen -the substance that gives strength and flexibility to our tendons, and even our bones.
It's under our skin, and permeates all our organs, fat, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, nerves, blood vessels, etc. It suspends and protects them, and is essential in supporting their functions. Fascia is our largest organ.
We have 206 bones, 600 muscles, 900 ligaments, 4,000 tendons and, depending on body size, 45 miles of nerves, and 60,000* miles of blood vessels (Earth's diameter is only 7,917.5 miles) -and ALL of it contains, and is contained by, fascia.
If everything in the body was teleported out of it except the fascia, we'd retain virtually the same shape!
The spiders that weave your body's web
Cells called Fibroblasts are spider-like cells that spin the elastic collagen fibrils that regulate force transmission throughout your body. Specialized fibroblasts, called myofibroblasts, provide contractile action that regulate tissue basal tone.
Fig 2: Illustration of Fibroblast anatomy
Fig 3: Scanning electron micrograph of a fibroblast.
Photo by David M. Phillips.
Fig 4: A fibroblast party.
Photo by David M. Phillips
Fascia fibrils are coated in hyaluronic acid (HA), also known as hyaluronan (see Fig 5), which fibroblasts, keratinocytes, chondrocytes, and specialized cells, including recently discovered fasciacytes, continuously secrete. HA allows fascial gliding between fascial layers. See "Magnified living fascia" video below to see this in action.
Magnified living fascia:
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Fig 5: Living fascia, coated in HA, seen via endoscope at high X60 magnification
These cellular and structural components are illustrated below in Fig 6.
Fig 6: Illustration of fascia anatomy
Fascia Characteristics
COMPOSITION: Fascia fibrils contain elastin, mostly type 1 collagen, and other extracellular matrix (ECM) components. Fascia collagen comes in types I, III, IV, V, VI, XI, XII, XIV, XXI, among others, as well as combinations of these, according to location and function in the body.
HA is a linear glycosaminoglycan (GAG). It is found everywhere in the body, with its highest concentrations in the skin, umbilical cord, joint fluid, and vitreous body of the eye.
HA chains provide high viscosity at a concentration as low as 0.1%. It has excellent viscoelasticity, high moisture retention capacity, high biocompatibility, and hygroscopic properties.
HA is a critical component of the ECM that regulates normal structural integrity and development, regulates tissue responses during injury, repair, and regeneration, and can be fabricated into membranes, fibers, sponges, microspheres, and other shapes.
HA concentrations can dramatically increase in milliseconds to become gummy and crinkle up as adhesions (what causes muscle knots) in response to repetitive movements that overwork parts of the body, or too little movement daily, and traumas such as surgery or injury, and emotional trauma. The concentration of these cells and their products depend on fascia location and function, and what stimuli it's exposed to.
Fascia fibrils are organized into dense, parallel bundles and contribute to the overall strength, flexibility, and elasticity of fascial tissues.
SIZE Fascia fibrils range from 20 nm - 500 nm.
(human hair widths are generally between 17 and 180 micrometers -thousands of times thicker than fascia fibrils)
Fascia is our 2nd most sensitive organ after our skin. * our skin has a nerve density of 64.0 ± 5.2/cm2.
* our superficial fascia has 33.0 ± 2.5/cm2 nerve fibers.
* our deep fascia has 19 ± 5.0/cm2 nerve fibers.
ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES Fascia conducts and resists electricity, and produces electricity through movement due to being a piezoelectric liquid-crystaline molecular composition.
When it stretches, it generates potential energy when stretched, and releases kinetic energy when released, just like a rubber band. But fascia is FAR stronger than a rubber band!
ELASTIC & TENSILE STRENGTH Two key terms to understand: Elasticity is the tendency of solid materials to resume their original shape after the external forces (load) that deform it are removed. Young's modulus evaluates the elasticity of a material, namely, how much force it can resist while maintaining its shape, as well as to recover its shape after the force against it is removed. Stiffer material has a higher Young's Modulus, and is measured by how much force it can hold its shape against. This also relates to elasticity in terms of recovering its elastric strength after holding tension over time. Think of a rubber band again and how it loses elasticity over time if you stretch it repeatedly and often, leave it in a stretched position too long, and even leave it out so long that it dries up and/or is exposed to UV or sunlight too long. Ultimate Tensile strength (UTS, or Tensile Strength) is the maximum stress a material can handle before it ruptures. Together, these properties allow fascia to withstand tension and transmit forces throughout the body. If our fascia is too weak or too stiff, we can't move. Fascia has remarkable tensile strength (resistance to tension/pulling) and stiffness (resistance to compression) which varies dramatically according to numerous factors. However, there are significant discrepancies between different studies regarding characteristics. Fasica tensile strength has been reported in ranges of 0.234 MPa (MPa = MegaPascal) - 580 MPa, and stiffness ranging from 4.2 GPa to 6.86 GPa (GPa = GigaPascal). Among those factors is the direction that fascia fibrils run. They have greater resistance to parallel force along the fibril's direction, and significantly less to perprendicular force. For example, one study reported tensile strength of skeletal muscle along the fiber direction is 0.44 MPa at maximum load of 110 N, and 0.234 MPa at max load 43 N vs. force applied to the fibers at 45 degrees. Another study found UTS values ranging from 0.5–12 MPa, with Young's modulus varying from 4.5 to 28x higher when applying a load in the longitudinal vs. the transverse direction for stiffer layers, and the opposite for softer layers, as a result of their respective fiber orientation.
To put this in perspective, steel fibers generally have a tensile strengths of 1000 MPa to 1200 MPa in diameters ranging from 0.3 to 1.1 mm, and carbon fiber tensile strength ranges from 3 - 7 GPa) with a Young's modulus of 200 - 500 GPa. However, clear figures on these respective materials related to their diameter and length have remained elusive at the time of this writing to more provide more accurate and meaningful comparisons to help us appreciate the actual strength of fascia.
Fascia Overview:
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Fascia Biology Animation
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Dr. Jean-Claude Guimbereau's in-depth video
Warning: contains graphic anatomy images
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Fascia Documentary: The network of the body without beginning or end
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Click the following links to begin diving into one of the most important medical/health subjects that should be part of our early public education, along with Integrative Bodywork:
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Your Body's Somatic "Spider" Guardians
Somatic Memories are physical experiences stored in the brain. The word "somatic" means "of the body." Our brain stores these experiences to develop instant responses that drive us towards safety or opportunity based on what we previously learned caused us harm, pain, fear, or pleasure.
The stronger the emotional impact of any event, good or bad, wires the brain accordingly to help ensure we seize opportunity before it's too late. Since we learn that we don't always have time to process a situation to decide what the best response is, our brain learns to store preset actions to save us time.
When psychological, physical, and biological stressors exceed the nervous system adaptive limits (trauma), it prevents the body from processing the trauma. This results in associated sensory details coding into the memory and emotional centers of the brain, like the hippocampus and amygdala.
Sensory input associated with trauma activates our autonomic nervous system to take instinctive action before we have time to fully assess the situation and how to respond.
Spider-shaped cells called fibroblasts produce the collagen proteins that create fascia.
Fascia conducts information almost instantly to inform our brain of what's going on in our environment, like how spiders use their webs to alert them through vibrations when food or danger is present.
And just like spiders learn how to instinctively anticipate events through weather changes, our brain is processing present information in the background of our unconscious mind from our internal and external environments to anticipate which pre-programmed responses to activate when needed.
When we can't fight or take flight from threat -be it physical or psychological- the fascia gels like superglue to freeze and armor our body to prevent damage/harm. This is beneficial given fascia's ability to become as strong as steel.
But trauma or prologed stress can keep the fascia like this indefinitely until proper therapeutic intervention helps it return to its flexible state again to enable the body to restore normal functionality.
This can become a new source of reinforcing stress because hardened fascia forms are sensed by the nervous system when the body moves into positions associated with injury/trauma, and prevents movement through learned conditioning to prevent pain or damage.
In addition to a healthy lifestyle of frequent mobility, exercise, nutrition, hydration, sleep, healthy relationships, positive self-esteem, and fulfilling work and life-purpose, learning how to exchange ARC with one or more people you care about can help you all heal from trauma, restore your body and mind's functional abilities, and literally unlock your full potential for the most enjoyable life possible.
Request your ARC Training Agreement now, and start practicing with someone you love today!
Additional References:
Fascia - Cleveland Clinic
Fibrolast - National Genome Research Institute
Collagen Fibril Assembly and Function
Hyaluronic Acid Overview
Hyaluronan and the Fascial Frontier
Hyaluronan biology: A complex balancing act of structure, function, location and context
Hyaluronic Acid: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Trajectory
A Closer Look at the Cellular and Molecular Components of the Deep/Muscular Fasciae
Deep fasciae neural network - Fede, Petrelli, et al
Fascia Anatomy - Bordoni, Mahabadi, Varacallo
Fascia: a morphological description and classification system based on a literature review
Measuring collagen fibril diameter with differential interference contrast microscopy
Collagen fibrillogenesis in vitro: interaction of types I and V collagen regulates fibril diameter
Human resistance to physical force
Stress-strain characteristics and tensile strength of unembalmed human tendon
Site specificity of mechanical and structural properties of human fascia lata and their gender differences: A cadaveric study
Multiscale Characterization of Type I Collagen Fibril Stress–Strain Behavior under Tensile Load: Analytical vs. MD Approaches
Mechanical Characterization of Human Fascia Lata: Uniaxial Tensile Tests from Fresh-Frozen Cadaver Samples and Constitutive Modelling
Experimental evaluation of fiber orientation based material properties of skeletal muscle in tension
Carbon Fiber Properties
Muscle Pain: It May Actually Be Your Fascia
An Easy Guide to Neuron Anatomy with Diagrams - Healthline
How Trauma is Stored in the Body - D'Amore Mental Health
Clinical Manifestations of Body Memories: The Impact of Past Bodily Experiences on Mental Health